Direct Recruitment
Direct Recruitment for JE, SC/TO, CRA, Maintainer - 2019 (Click here for JMRC Recruitment Portal )

For more details visit JMRC Recruitment Portal
For more details visit JMRC Recruitment Portal
For more details visit JMRC Recruitment Portal

For more details visit JMRC Recruitment Portal

For more details visit JMRC Recruitment Portal

For more details visit JMRC Recruitment Portal

"Note: JMRC has not authorised any publisher/ website to sell text-books, guide books or other examination/ test related material. The candidate shall be solely responsible for implications arising from the use of any such information/ material/ website/ agents etc.
Further, JMRC has not authorised any website, agency to collect application fees except from e-Mitra Kiosk and online payment on its recruitment Portal. Candidates are advised not to pay application fees anywhere else."